Snow Globe Torture!

My sister sent me this link from Well Worn, who featured these Anthropologie snow globes used for featuring jewelry.  Of course I felt immediate regret that I was too late to use this idea for a last minute Christmas gift. Oh Anthropologie. Why must you torment me so? However, I began to imagine how snow globes might make an AMAZING centerpiece for a shower or wedding (or even a favor at a shower?). And I think they’d totally work for a winter wedding. So much potential for customization! What do you think?

DIY instructions for making your own snow globe from Well Worn:

You will need:
All can be found at a craft or haberdashery store.
*A jar of your choice (with a lid)
*Figurines or jewelery
*Anti-rust sealant for metal pieces
*Clear-drying epoxy
*Distilled water
*Dash of glycerin
*Large silver or white glitter (smaller versions will float at the top)
1. Use clear-drying epoxy to adhere your piece to the inside of the lid. Let dry per instructions.
2. After the epoxy dries completely, fill your jar with distilled or boiled water (at room temperature, of course).
3. Add just a dash of glycerin so the “snow” falls slowly.
4. Add as much glitter as you like. If you don’t like the look of glitter, you can usually find faux snow at craft and haberdashery stores.
5. Screw your lid on tightly and enjoy your snow globe!


Filed under DIY, Favors, Inspiration, Shower, Uncategorized

4 responses to “Snow Globe Torture!

  1. Lex

    I reblogged this too! It was so cool I plan to make one for myself. You know.. decor for my study table or when you get bored, you could turn it upside down over and over again like a crazy man..

    I just love snow globes. I thought those snow were illusion or something. Lol.

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  3. love love love these! totally storing them in my head for next year’s holiday gifts

    i got my first snowglobe this past week from an aquarium, one of my favorite things already!

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