Real Wedding: Rachel and Grant

Please forgive my lack of posts this week! I’ve been out of town in meetings and when I have had a chance to sit in front of the computer, my illusive internet connection was no where to be found.

But I’m making it up to you with this gorgeous wedding shot by the ever-fabulous Jonathan Canlas. This is an example of an incredibly simple wedding that is just so beautiful and wonderful! There are so many photos, so bear with me. I just couldn’t choose.



Filed under Real Wedding

12 responses to “Real Wedding: Rachel and Grant

  1. in. love. for. serious.

  2. The weddings you share are so inspiring! Thank you!

  3. Katherine

    What is that yearbooky thing with the pictures of guests?

  4. Grey

    Haha!! I’m not quite sure. I’ll email Jonathan to see if he can find out for us. Isn’t it cute though?

  5. charlieb3c

    I really enjoy your blog and have given you a ‘One Lovely Blog Award’ on my website. It celebrates recently discovered lovely blogs. Have a lovely weekend!

  6. What a FUN AND PRETTY wedding! Simple, but they really made it so lovely!
    Congrats to this sweet couple!!!

  7. We love this wedding- so charming.

  8. this whole wedding…, the people…, the photos…, the utter charm of it all…, is just so enticing!!!

    I want to be there and know them all!

    What a fun time it must have been.

  9. Caroline

    I can’t get enough of your pictures! SO creative! I love the idea of having a hammock on the beach, as well as the basket for shoes. The picture time line is such a wonderful idea. I’ve never seen that before. Also, the lanterns are great and add to the magical night. S’mores! I love this idea. It can’t get any better sitting on the beach with those close to you and roasting s’mores!

  10. Stunning photos! Really nice!

    – Matt

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